Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Title of the activity: Engineering Day ( FYP presentation )

  • Present the Final Year Project
  • Give keep it up the confident on this day
  • Present clearly about the project to assessor or student
  • Get highest mark during this time


  • Setup the project, poster and laptop in Gemilang hall before 2 pm
  • At 2.30 pm, waiting assessor for presentation
  • Present clearly to assessor or all guests


In Engineering Day, all students FYP give more confident for show operation for FYP project and introduce about project detail to guest and assessor.


Introduce to assessor about the whole operations of this project and showing to assessor the project running with interface between input circuit and output circuit, the output circuit act as a load.

Thursday, 19 April 2012


Title of the activity: Preparation for FYP presentation

  • To ensure or improve the confident level for the presentation of the Final Year Project

  • Make sure project function.
  • Study all technical and theoretical of project.


Based on this project, student should know what are learning during doing this project. It including the technical and theoretical of component used and the flowing of work around 2 semesters.Hence, student needs to explain all of question by judges.


Finally, student should present all of work to judges. The objective to show what are student had learn around 1 year doing research of project.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Week 12

Title of the activity:  Design the poster for presentation day

  • To design a poster about the whole project description to make people clearly about the project

  • Explain the description of the project
  • Clearly the main objective
  • Design the block diagram
  • Methodology about the project
  • Make a result and analysis
  • Conclusion about this project
  • Poster design

Explain the description of the project
Ø  Intelligent ceiling fan controller based on temperature is the ceiling fan works with a speed control that automatically adjust the speed level due to the surrounding temperature without user have to select interested speed at the switch centrifugal. The speed fan is proportional to the temperature. As the temperature increase, the speed fan will be increased and vice versa

Clearly the main objective
Ø  To design an automatic controller circuits via combination of software (Proteus) and hardware
Ø  To understand the operation of speed control system for a ceiling fan application
Ø  To evaluate the functionality of the ceiling fan controller by considering the relationship of the speed change and room temperature

Design the block diagram

Methodology about the project
Ø  The system design is represented by a flow chart. The flow chart will explain on how the system works from the beginning to the end of the ‘intelligent fan’ process

Make a result and analysis

Conclusion about this project
Ø  Intelligent ceiling fan controller based on temperature is a user-friendly product. It senses the temperature and automatically adjusts the speed of the fan. The ceiling fan controller that built by using microcontroller chip PIC16F877A is really reliable and inexpensive to the end user

Poster design


From the poster it will describe everything about the project. The assessor can understand about the project from the poster. Methodology is explained how the whole of project function till end process. Block diagram can explain more clearly based on the block show. The block diagram shows the input and the output from the PIC. From the result it will display combination between software (proteus) with hardware part and the relationship between room temperature with speed of ceiling fan. The conclusion is concluding about the whole project.


As a conclusion the poster is the most important thing to describe about the project. When the assessor and other reader read all the data and information on the poster it will give them satisfaction and just ask when they don’t know certain about the project.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Week 11

Title of the activity:  Compile/get the result

  • To obtain this project working based on expected
  • To ensure the project is follow the main objective of this project or not

  • Understand the main objective
  • Get the result based on objective

The main objective
  • To design an automatic controller circuits via combination of software (Proteus) and hardware
  • To understand the operation of speed control system for a ceiling fan application.
  • To evaluate the functionality of the ceiling fan controller by considering the relationship of the speed change and room temperature.

Result based on objective
  • Compare the result between in proteus with hardware part
Ø  Speed1
Ø  Speed2

Ø  Speed3

Ø  Speed4

Ø  Speed5

  • Operation of speed control system for a ceiling fan application
Ø  Ceiling fan usually using single phase AC induction motor
o   Split-phase permanent capacitor
o   Capacitor start, capacitor run
o   Shaded pole motor

Ø  Motors have windings wound for 18, 20 or 22 poles, resulting in to lower operating speeds (Most common: 18 pole)

Ø  The rotor resistance is very high for wide speed control range using the stator voltage control

Ø  The operating speed range for the ceiling fans are
o   180 rpm to 380 rpm for countries like India
o   110 rpm to 220 rpm for Developed World
o   Low Speed is approx. half of high speed

Ø  Between low and high speeds three to five operating speed at equal interval is achieved using the variable speed control.

  • Relationship of the speed change and room temperature
Ø  Based on theory, the speed fan is proportional to the changers of the temperature. So, to prove whether the theory true or not, the speed of ceiling fan of this project must taken when the temperature is change. The value of rpm of ceiling fan has taken using tachometer and represented in graph form.


For the analysis, comparison between software (proteus) and hardware part is tally with other, when the actual temperature in proteus display for speed1 18°C and select the relay1, same like at the hardware part is do the same task. Beside, relationship between room temperature with speed of ceiling fan is proportional, when the temperature increase, the speed fan also increases


As a conclusion, the main objective of this project is achieved when proved by taken the result of this project, also the objective in this task is achieved.