Thursday, 29 March 2012

Week 10

Title of the project:  Run the project

  • To ensure the circuit is working properly when combined with hardware part
  • To study about wiring / connection output circuit with AC load and AC power supply

  • Check the connection overall circuit with AC load and AC power supply
  • Turn On the switch and run the project

Connection overall circuit with AC load and AC power supply
  • In this part, correctly wiring is important. Neutral wire for AC load and neutral wire for AC power supply is connect with output circuit

    Run the project


    For the analysis in this task, the important note is how connection the output circuits with AC load and AC power supply. If wrong connection the circuit probably the component burn and if the projector touch the circuit, it feel some electric shock so to avoid this thing, exact connection must be applied.


    As a conclusion, the project is working properly when the overall part is connected and full of the expected. So, this objective is achieved.

    Thursday, 22 March 2012

    Week 9

    Title of the activity:  Design hardware and mechanical part

    • To build hardware for this project
    • To ensure the hardware and mechanical part suitable with circuit

    • Design the suitable part
    • Used the suitable instrument to build this hardware
    • Arrange the overall part

    Design the suitable part
    • Build the rectangular transparent box for location of circuit

      • Build the stand for ceiling fan

        Used the suitable instrument

        Arrange the overall part

        Analysis and Conclusion:

        This hardware is suitable for this project and the portable hardware. It is design is look simple and more design can diversify. The design is look like that because to cut the cost and not waste the money. 

        Thursday, 15 March 2012

        Week 8

        Title of the activity:  Test or troubleshoot the interfacing circuit between PIC circuit with Output circuit

        • To know the circuit function properly
        • To troubleshoot when the circuit have a problem

        • Burn the program into PIC circuit
        • Check the program related or not with PIC circuit
        • Adjust the functionality of program or calibrate the reference voltage ( Vref ) to ensure the actual temperature is equal with function in PIC
        • Interface the PIC circuit with output circuit
        • Check again and ensure the overall circuit working as expected and is same with simulate in proteus

        Burn the program into PIC
        • For this project, at the PIC circuit I burn the program as directly and not use other out interface component because in software MPlab IDE have a PICkit2 software and just connected the wire from computer to PIC circuit but make sure at the PIC circuit have a pin IDC10 connector with PIC and it one of component from In Circuit Serial Programing ( ICSP )

        Calibrate the reference voltage ( Vref )

        Interface the PIC circuit with output circuit

        Comparison real circuit function with simulate circuit function


        For the analysis about this task, what can see at the above figure, student will burn the program into PIC circuit using normally method is using the interface software but for this project, it’s burn directly from computer to circuit. The important part is calibrate voltage reference ( Vref ) should have setting temperature is same with actual temperature and get the desired output as example; when setting temperature for speed 1 is 17°C to 21°C but if not calibrate Vref based on set point is not get the exact result for actual temperature probably swap with setting temperature.


        Circuit is working properly and knows how to burn the program into PIC, troubleshoot circuit also interfacing PIC circuit with Output circuit have done. So, in this task the objective is achieved.

        Thursday, 8 March 2012

        Week 7

        Title of the activity: Construct and design overall circuit on the PCB board

        • To design the interfacing circuit between PIC circuit and Output circuit
        • Design circuit by using protel design system software
        • Print the design on the transparent paper or stick paper
        • Etching process
        • Drill and solder all component on the circuit

        Protel Design System software

        Design circuit
        • PIC circuit & Output circuit

          Print the design
          • PIC circuit & Output circuit

            Etching process
            • Step 1 : Remove material from such as unwanted copper from the PCB surface to achieve circuit design requirements.

              • Step 2 : Remove the black ink on the PCB board. The black ink has remove in order to solder the components

                Drill and solder all components on the circuit


                While doing this circuit, the most important thing that must be take note is the actual design of the component. If the design is too small, the component cannot be match with the circuit. From the picture above, we can see on the circuit a lot of jumper. It is because, the connection of the circuit while doing etching method is disconnected and to joint it back, we use jumper and testing again with multimeter.


                The circuit is show the interface between PIC circuits with output circuit. While the design, construct on PCB board, etching process and soldering all the components have done, the next process is to testing the circuit which is the circuit is function properly based on expected. So, this part has done and the objective is achieved. 

                Thursday, 1 March 2012

                Week 6

                Title of the activity:  Run and simulate the programming of PIC in proteus

                • To ensure the circuit is working properly
                • To know the language program is connectively with the circuit

                • Use MPlab IDE software to write a language program
                • Check the language program
                • Compile the language program for ensure the language have error or not
                • Save the language program in save type assembly sources file
                • Run the language program in proteus
                • Check connection of the circuit

                MPlab IDE software

                Write the language program ( ASM language )

                Compile the language program
                • If have error, the software will display as below:

                  • If the language is success

                  Save the language

                  Run the program in proteus
                  Before run the program in proteus, selected properly file and processor clock frequency must check first. For the selected file, namefile.hex is used and processor clock frequency is selected depend on the PIC used.
                  • PIC circuit

                    Ø  When the LM 35DZ sensor has sense the environment temperature ( actual temperature ) at 17°C - 21°C, LED 1 is on. It is show the speed 1 of fan is run.
                    o   PIC circuit

                    o   Output circuit

                    Ø  The running program is same with others speed ( speed 2 till speed 5 ) of fan


                    In this part, before run the program in proteus and it is call as simulate. Writing language in MPlab must do first, when compile done and if have error it means the something wrong at the language but sometime the compile has success and when run in proteus, nothing display. Probably, the connection of input and output port PIC not related with language program, so checking and try again must repeated.


                    For this project, the circuit is run full of expected and working properly. So, the next task will proceed and in this activity, the objective is achieved.