Thursday, 1 March 2012

Week 6

Title of the activity:  Run and simulate the programming of PIC in proteus

  • To ensure the circuit is working properly
  • To know the language program is connectively with the circuit

  • Use MPlab IDE software to write a language program
  • Check the language program
  • Compile the language program for ensure the language have error or not
  • Save the language program in save type assembly sources file
  • Run the language program in proteus
  • Check connection of the circuit

MPlab IDE software

Write the language program ( ASM language )

Compile the language program
  • If have error, the software will display as below:

    • If the language is success

    Save the language

    Run the program in proteus
    Before run the program in proteus, selected properly file and processor clock frequency must check first. For the selected file, namefile.hex is used and processor clock frequency is selected depend on the PIC used.
    • PIC circuit

      Ø  When the LM 35DZ sensor has sense the environment temperature ( actual temperature ) at 17°C - 21°C, LED 1 is on. It is show the speed 1 of fan is run.
      o   PIC circuit

      o   Output circuit

      Ø  The running program is same with others speed ( speed 2 till speed 5 ) of fan


      In this part, before run the program in proteus and it is call as simulate. Writing language in MPlab must do first, when compile done and if have error it means the something wrong at the language but sometime the compile has success and when run in proteus, nothing display. Probably, the connection of input and output port PIC not related with language program, so checking and try again must repeated.


      For this project, the circuit is run full of expected and working properly. So, the next task will proceed and in this activity, the objective is achieved.

      1 comment:

      1. Hi,
        is the coding screenshot given here show all the coding or is there more of it??

