Thursday, 15 March 2012

Week 8

Title of the activity:  Test or troubleshoot the interfacing circuit between PIC circuit with Output circuit

  • To know the circuit function properly
  • To troubleshoot when the circuit have a problem

  • Burn the program into PIC circuit
  • Check the program related or not with PIC circuit
  • Adjust the functionality of program or calibrate the reference voltage ( Vref ) to ensure the actual temperature is equal with function in PIC
  • Interface the PIC circuit with output circuit
  • Check again and ensure the overall circuit working as expected and is same with simulate in proteus

Burn the program into PIC
  • For this project, at the PIC circuit I burn the program as directly and not use other out interface component because in software MPlab IDE have a PICkit2 software and just connected the wire from computer to PIC circuit but make sure at the PIC circuit have a pin IDC10 connector with PIC and it one of component from In Circuit Serial Programing ( ICSP )

Calibrate the reference voltage ( Vref )

Interface the PIC circuit with output circuit

Comparison real circuit function with simulate circuit function


For the analysis about this task, what can see at the above figure, student will burn the program into PIC circuit using normally method is using the interface software but for this project, it’s burn directly from computer to circuit. The important part is calibrate voltage reference ( Vref ) should have setting temperature is same with actual temperature and get the desired output as example; when setting temperature for speed 1 is 17°C to 21°C but if not calibrate Vref based on set point is not get the exact result for actual temperature probably swap with setting temperature.


Circuit is working properly and knows how to burn the program into PIC, troubleshoot circuit also interfacing PIC circuit with Output circuit have done. So, in this task the objective is achieved.


  1. may i know..what are the coding for PIC..can you email it for me..

  2. i'm used asm language.. for coding code its shown on week5..
